Collaborative Innovation Projects 2024-25

What is the vision for the scheme?

The Collaborative Innovation Project (CiP) Scheme is intended as a vehicle for excellence in the scholarship of learning and teaching and reflects our commitment to providing funding opportunities for National Teaching Fellows to collaborate on innovative initiatives that align with established ANTF WISER themes:

W – Wellbeing

I – Innovation and impact

S – Staff/students/stakeholders

E – Equity and ethics

R – Reward and recognition

The CiP Scheme is more than a funding opportunity. It is a chance to bring together National Teaching Fellows from higher education institutions nationwide and to support projects that develop and enhance innovative teaching and learning initiatives aligned with ANTF WISER themes. Our goal is to promote and develop National Teaching Fellows’ scholarship of learning and learning (SoTL) through a variety of project work and associated outputs that also benefit the ANTF network and the entire higher education sector.

“We adopt a broad view of SoTL as the scholarly approach to developing teaching practice, enhancing curricula, and improving student learning through focused inquiry that is grounded in context, methodologically sound, conducted in partnership with students and made public to wider communities of practice” (Felton, 20131).

Prospective CiPs are required to submit a completed proposal form:

(please download the form to enter your project details), outlining a clear project plan.

Project work may include knowledge exchange events, collaborative SoTL initiatives, evidence-gathering activities, and students-as-partner work – but this is not an exhaustive list and colleagues are encouraged to get creative!

We also believe in the power of inclusion and encourage aspiring National Teaching Fellows from partner institutions to join the project team. Upon award, the scheme will run from September 2024 to July 2024, providing ample time for approved projects to be included in local workload and professional development planning cycles.

For the full information about the CiP Scheme visit: 

Scope of the 2023-24 CiP Scheme

  • Through the 2024-25 CiP Scheme we plan to fund two projects, with a maximum bid per project of £2,500. The number of projects awarded will be determined in light of the applications received.
  • Project groups will normally comprise of a minimum of 2 National Teaching Fellows from different Higher Education Institutions.
  • It is possible that CiPs include collaborative work between a minimum of 2 National Teaching Fellows and 1 or more CATE recipients each from different Higher Education Institutions. 
  • Funding will be used to support and facilitate a clear project plan aligned to one (or more) of the ANTF themes. Such project work might involve, for example: knowledge exchange events and initiatives; collaborative SoTL initiatives and/or evidence-gathering activities; students-as-partner work.
  • Where appropriate to do so, it is encouraged that projects involve aspiring National Teaching Fellows from partner institutions as part of the wider project team.
  • Upon award, the 2024-25 CiP scheme will formally run between September 2024 and July 2025 to provide ample time for approved project work to be included in local workload and annual planning/professional development planning cycles. Projects can be completed at any point within this time-period but need to be completed on or by July 1st, 2025.
  • It is expected that funded projects lead to the development of a set of clearly defined outputs that benefit the wider ANTF network and higher education sector. Outputs might take a variety of different forms relevant to the project work undertaken, but will include an interim report, as well as a contribution to the 24-25 ANTF Annual Symposium (the nature of which will be determined by project teams).
  • It is expected that colleagues leading funded projects will be involved in helping to organise the ANTF symposium theme(s) around their project theme/focus, working alongside the organising committee.

CiP timeline:

  • CiP Scheme launch and call for proposals April 2024.
  • Deadline for proposals is 4pm on Friday 14th June 2024.
  • Notification of final decisions and feedback to contributors by Wednesday 17th July 2024.
  • CiPs will formally launch from September 2024. 
  • All funded projects will be fully completed no later than July 1st, 2025. 

Submitting your CiP Scheme proposal:

Completed CiP proposals should be submitted to

Please submit completed proposals to using the title “ANTF Collaborative Innovation Project Proposal” in the subject line.

Assessment Criteria:

Project proposals will be evaluated by a panel of ANTF committee members against the following criteria, aligned to one or more of the broader WISER themes:

Reach – there is a demonstrable scale of influence for the proposed project work. The proposal clearly presents how project work will span partner (and other) departments, faculties, and institutions. It explains how diverse staff and students will be influenced (for example, historically marginalised ethnic groups, disabled students, first generation students, postgraduate students, commuter students, online students, and others).

Value – the benefits (for students and staff) to be derived from completed proposed project work are clearly articulated, including a plan for evaluating the project capturing how the project work being described has added value to the student learning experience and/or to teaching practices.

Impact – the potential difference(s) the project work hopes to make to policy, practice and/or student outcomes in the context(s) defined has been carefully considered and mapped to a clear evaluation plan.

Feasibility – the proposed project work includes a feasible workplan and timeline with regards to the potential project outcomes and outputs.

Alignment to WISER themes – the proposal demonstrates clear alignment to 1 or more of the WISER themes in both focus and content.

Notes on the allocation of funding:

Funding will normally be issued in two instalments:

  • The first payment – up to a maximum of 50% of funding sought – will be released on the launch of the project.
  • Final payment – the remaining 50% of funding sought – will be released upon submission of both an interim project report (at the halfway point in the agreed project plan) and a final project report on or before July 1st, 2025.
  • It is recommended that part of the funding amount sought is used to support attendance at the ANTF symposium to disseminate project findings and/or resources from the project.


1 Felten, P., 2013. Principles of good practice in SoTL. Teaching and Learning Inquiry, 1(1), pp.121-125.