Committee Members

Introducing…Momna Hejmadi

Momna is the Treasurer for the Committee of the Association of National Teaching Fellows, and Professor of Bioscience Education and Technology at the University of Bath. My formative years were spent growing up in a part of Bombay very similar to a ‘Slumdog millionaire’ filmset - humble but happy beginnings. My fondest memories were being… Continue reading Introducing…Momna Hejmadi

Professor Debbie Holley
National Teaching Fellows

What do people get out of being a National Teaching Fellow?

In response to a recent JiscMail discussion regarding the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme, several fellows offered accounts of what the award meant to them. This blog has previously published such accounts from NTFs teaching Law, Science  and Music. The new testimonies feature as part of a article. The contributors to the article were Stephen McHanwell,… Continue reading What do people get out of being a National Teaching Fellow?