Dr Steve Briggs, University of Bedfordshire; Professor Sally Everett, Kings College London; Karen Hustler, Advance HE; and, Professor Debbie Holley, Bournemouth University NTFS applicant underrepresentation Advance HE is committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in the NTFS (National Teaching Fellowship Scheme) and CATE (Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence) awards. As such equal opportunities monitoring… Continue reading Raising the profile of professional service staff with teaching and learning responsibilities as potential NTFS applicants
Tag: R – Reward and Recognition
Unveiling Student Experiences: The Being, Belonging, Becoming Survey
Project Lead: Professor Harriet Dunbar-Morris, NTF, PFHEA, Pro Vice-Chancellor Academic and Professor of Higher Education, University of Buckingham. Dr Andy Clegg, NTF, SFHEA, Associate Professor in Academic Innovation and Enhancement, University of Portsmouth. Kathryn Lyndon, Research Assistant, University of Portsmouth. In the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the intricate web… Continue reading Unveiling Student Experiences: The Being, Belonging, Becoming Survey
The Added value of the Pracademic Classroom in Criminology and Criminal Justice
Di Turgoose, Associate Professor and De Montfort University Teacher Fellow, and Pracademics in Criminal Justice Network Lead In Higher Education Institution’s (HEIs) we have seen the spotlight emerge on the concept of ‘pracademia’; the nexus between pragmatic ‘real world’ practice and abstract academia, so the opportunity to present my work in this area was timely… Continue reading The Added value of the Pracademic Classroom in Criminology and Criminal Justice