News & Events Archive


NTF Roadshows

Why not join us to find out more:

Facilitated by ANTF Committee Events co-ordinator, Professor Debbie Holley and Advance HE Fellowship and Awards Adviser Dr Holly Earl, these webinars will offer insights and guidance through the NTFS application process.

NTFS Roadshows
Webinar One: Thinking about a NTFS applicationWednesday 3rd November 2021 12.00-13:00This first webinar will cover the new guidance for institutes and individuals, highlight useful Advance HE resources, and include new award winners and ‘old’ hands sharing their journey to NTF.
Webinar Two: A conversation with successful NTFsTuesday 7th December 2021 13.00 -14:00This second webinar will offer a brief re-cap of the scheme and highlight updates.  It will also feature some personal journeys from existing National Teaching Fellows. There will be plenty of time to ask our panel questions.
Webinar Three:  Polishing your application: Institutional/Individual perspectivesTuesday 18th January 2022 12:00-13:00This third webinar will briefly re-cap the previous two sessions, and the panel will include a representative responsible for staff development in our institutions, to offer the institutional viewpoint about the scheme, as well as successful NTFs happy to share their experiences.



& UKCGE Recognised Research Supervisor

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers 

Professor of Learning Innovation 

Department of Nursing Sciences

Faculty of Health and Social Sciences

Bournemouth University

A Badged Open Course on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

The Open University’s Centre for STEM Pedagogy, eSTEeM, is delighted to bring you a new Badged Open Course (BOC) titled Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in STEM which is available on OpenLearn, the university’s free learning platform.  

This one-of-a-kind course, designed and developed by Diane Butler and Shailey Minocha of Faculty of STEM, provides a toolkit for colleagues who are interested in integrating Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in their academic practice and in gaining professional recognition such as Advance HE Fellowships

The aim of this course, designed around the stages of a SoTL inquiry or project, is to guide colleagues to systematically design, conduct, reflect on and evaluate an ethically reasoned SoTL inquiry focused on student learning and engagement. Colleagues will also learn to disseminate the outcomes of SoTL.  

The BOC provides an Impact Evaluation Framework (IEF) to assess the impact of a SoTL inquiry to demonstrate excellence in teaching and learning. 

SoTL is often carried out collaboratively involving educators, learning designers, educational researchers, librarians and students. Although this course uses the term ‘educator’ for a researcher conducting a SoTL inquiry or project, the course will be useful for anybody interested in conducting SoTL.  

The case studies in this course are from STEM but the course has been designed for colleagues from all disciplines. 

To find out more about this free BOC, to watch the introductory video by Diane Butler, and to enrol, please visit ‘Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in STEM’ or on OpenLearn. 


ESD Guidelines: A Webinar with Alex Ryan and Zoe Robinson

NTFs Alex Ryan & Zoe Robinson of University of Gloucestershire are presenting a Webinar on new ESD Guidelines May 25th 10-11. Register via, A second webinar to follow second July 20th . 


Diversity and Inclusivity in Enterprise Education Conference, led by Samia Kamal, Oxford Brookes University

We invite proposals for posters, pecha kuchas, or a shorter session of 20 minutes.
The call closes on 29 Nov 2020.
DIVERSITY This strand aims to address the challenges and opportunities of diversity in enterprise education and seeks to explore questions such as:

● What are the initiatives taken by Higher Education (HE) to boost enterprising skills among graduates from a diverse range of backgrounds?

● What are the challenges that these individuals still face?

● Furthermore, in the context of diversity, how are educators addressing the changing landscape of student employment and understanding the needs of those wishing to develop their enterprise and entrepreneurial skills.

● How can we create an environment where these skills can be nurtured?

● Are we really providing a ‘diverse curriculum’ that challenges biases and privilege? We welcome all contributions to these questions and in particular under the following themes:

● Breaking down the stereotypes of who can be an entrepreneur

● Closing the opportunity gap: improving support for aspiring entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds

● Good practice and design principles for enterprise and entrepreneurship education within the widening participation context.

● Lessons to be learned from experiences and work supporting diverse entrepreneurs outside of the HE sector, and how can this inform what we do within HE.

INCLUSION This strand aims to extend our understanding about inclusion and what inclusive enterprise and entrepreneurship education means in the context of HE. It seeks to bring more insight into questions such as:

● What is it like to be a student of belonging to an underrepresented group or ethnicity, or with special needs striving for innovation, confidence, creativity and connection?

● How do we as educators support become more inclusive in our practice for such students in developing their enterprising skills and competencies that will be useful for future employment, or for those who wish to become self-employed?

● How do we examine our own epistemology to ensure that diverse voices, knowledge, and experiences are at the heart of our enterprise and entrepreneurship education?

● Where do we go from here and beyond? We welcome all contributions to these questions and in particular under the following themes: ● Enterprise and entrepreneurship effectiveness: development of a better mindset.

● Democratising enterprise and entrepreneurship education

● Challenges and opportunities of inclusive enterprise and entrepreneurship education.

● Inclusive curriculum design for enterprise and entrepreneurship education in HE.

Exploring Expertise in Teaching in Higher Education Symposium

Registration is now open (and free of charge!). Delegates must complete the registration form in order to get access to the content (see web link below). The event will take place online (synchronously) on Friday 16 October 2020 (all day British Summer Time). Linked to the Advance HE Connect group Exploring Expertise in Teaching ” . Delegates can then view recordings of the live presentations and other digital presentations, comment and chat with presenters asynchronously until the live summary session on Friday 23 October 2020.

New National Teacher Fellows 2020 – welcome to our community

Earle Abrahamson, University of East London.Beatriz Acevedo, Anglia Ruskin Universit.Zoe Allman, De Montfort Universit,Senatirajah Ariyaratnam, University of Manchester,Owen Barr, Ulster University,Georgina Blakeley, University of Huddersfield,Pavla Boulton, University of South Wales,Steve Briggs, University of Bedfordshire,Sara Burton, University of Exeter,Jackie Carter, University of Manchester,Catherine Coelho, University of Plymouth,Michael Cole, University of East London,Stephen Corbett, University of Portsmouth,Philip Cosson, Teesside University,Adam Feldman, University of Exeter,Judith Francois, Kingston University,Wendy Garnham, University of Sussex,Emma Gillaspy, University of Central Lancashire,Clare Guilding, Newcastle University,Basel Halak, University of Southampton,Vicki Holmes, University of Reading,Mel Hughes, Bournemouth University,Adelle Hulsmeier, University of Sunderland,Emma Hyde, University of Derby,Richard Jones, Buckinghamshire New University,Iain Keenan, Newcastle University,Bhuvaneswari Krishnamoorthy, University of Manchester,Jenny Louise-Lawrence, University of Hull,Emma Mayhew, University of Reading,Lesley Morrell, University of Hull,Pete Mylon, University of Sheffield,Robin Naylor, University of Warwick,Dawn Theresa Nicholson, Manchester Metropolitan University,James Norman, University of Bristol,Sarah Parkes, Newman University Birmingham,Shushma Patel, London South Bank University,Donna Peberdy, Solent University,Julia Petty, University of Hertfordshire,Sheila Quaid University of Sunderland,Emma Rand, University of York,Simon Rees, Durham University,Fiona Roberts, Robert Gordon University,Rachel Sara, Birmingham City University,Michael Seery, University of Edinburgh,Sian Shaw, Anglia Ruskin University,David Simm, Bath Spa University,Elizabeth Simpson, Glasgow Caledonian University,Lucy Spowart, University of Plymouth,Simon Tate, Newcastle University,Vanessa Taylor, University of Huddersfield,Paul Taylor, University of Leeds,Christopher Trace, University of Surrey,Rachel van Duyvenbode, University of Sheffield,Sarah Westwater-Wood, University of Nottingham,Tracey White, University of Lincoln,Ruth Whitfield, University of Bradford

Many congratulations to the 2020 CATE winners. Welcome to our community

Canterbury Christ Church University,Cardiff University,Edge Hill University,Edinburgh Napier University,Glasgow Caledonian University,Keele University,Manchester Metropolitan University,Newcastle University,Queen Mary University of London,Sheffield Hallam University,University of East Anglia,University of Hertfordshire,University of Sheffield,University of the Arts London,University of the West of Scotland Further details see

Further details see:

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The SRHE issue a Call for Papers: Digital Technology, Lockdown and the Post-Pandemic University, Visit for this and other events

Likely themes to be:

– Possible models of socially distanced teaching and learning
– The logistical challenges of rapidly pivoting to distance education
– Academic labour in the digitally mediated university
– The impact of the digital transition on student experience
– Strategies and techniques for creating community in a socially distanced university
– The short, medium and long term impact of social distancing on research culture

To present, email a 300 word abstract by June 30th to 

RAISE – long running network focussing on student engagement and co-creation

The RAISE Special Interest Group for Partnership will be hosted by the University of Chester on Wednesday 2nd September 2020 13:00 – 16.30. Call for papers on RAISE AdHE Connect site above , deadline 30.07.20, and email to 

A PLAy-day: playful approaches to remote teaching and working June 26th 2020 


The PlayLearn Association (PLA) ( focuses on the use of play and games in adult learning. Using Blackboard Collaborate , we created a space for anyone to drop in, talk informally with others, and explore playfulness in the current non-normality of HE/FE learning and working

Sessions and events and an all day live ‘room’ involved practically-focused sessions with collaborative online games, focused around group problem solving, including:

    • A collaborative session in which we were taken through three challenges that saw us finding unusual household objects, recasting historical/cultural events as nursery rhymes
    •  was used to play some popular team and individual board/card games, leading to discussion about the skills and aptitudes needed, and the benefit to a team to overcome problems and develop strategies.Sharing session on ‘playful working’, with a number of colleagues sharing ways they’ve adapted to home working/meetings and other activities ( see Padlet ), 

The day finished with an energetic Quiz, which saw us running around our houses for scavenger hunt.We thought the day was a great success based on the engagement and comments from our participants giving everyone a well needed bit of a boost. We all took away some good ideas to take into our teaching and lockdown working, and we’ve had requests to run another day soon – so watch this space!

Alex Moseley (NTF) and Katie Piatt,Co-chairs, Playful Learning Association

The PLA is open and free to join, and welcomes anyone with an interest in playful learning for adults.

A series of short webinar workshops from Jo Rushworth at DMU, advertised via NTFS@JISCMAIL withe the latest being:

A national webinar on workbooks for remote student learning. Friday 5 June, 10am – 11am – please click here to attend on the day.

Lab Work Online

A call out from Rayya Ghul ( Edinburgh University) for shared information on conducting lab work online in the JISCMAIL led to an interesting string of responses and an AdHE webinar April 2020. Presentation from Gus Cameron (Bristol), Philip Leftwich (UEA), Viv Rolfe, Harriet Jones ( UEA) and Mark Fentoncreevy (OU), 

Roadshows for Aspiring NTFs and CATEs To Be were presented by members of the Committee of the Association of NTF with CATE December – March 2020, providing 2 webinars for NTFs applicants  with 80 attendees and  9 face to face seminars also with 80 attendees and 2 CATE roadshows ( 1 F2F and 1 webinar) with 33 attendees. Slides at the bottom of this page

Another Round of Roadshows is planned from Autumn 2020. Please get in touch with CANTF via this site if you would like your institution to host .

The Annual NTF and CATE Symposium 5/6 March 2020 at Aston University, Birmingham. Just getting in before the world changed , we had an inspiring event of about 100 delegates, featuring sessions from NTFs, CATEs, management consultants with thought provoking key notes from David Kernonhan of WONKHE, Theo Gilbert from Hertfordshire about compassion and Danielle Gallagher from Aston NUS with some ideas for improving student mental health. Many of the slides are in the Events folder.



Roadshows for Aspiring NTFs and CATEs To Be 


2018 EVENTS 

March 20 – 21 2018 Annual Symposium
Demonstrating the Impact of your Teaching Excellence Award
 on You, Your Institution, and Your Community

The ANTF symposium 2018 will be on day 1 of the HEA two-day event for NTF, CATE and GTEAs  March 20-21, 2018. The HEA and ANTF will be jointly be calling shortly for submissions from NTFs for both days. Look out for announcements from the HEA.


May 15th 2018
University of Gloucestershire Conference

On Tuesday 15th May, the University of Gloucester is hosting a conference “Between Resilience & Vulnerability: Experiences of the Neoliberal Academy”. Abstracts are due by 20th April. Access the call for Contributions and further details here –

The conference is part of a project led by David Webster and Nichola Rivers to address the growing concerns of the use of the “resilience” and “grit” narrative in Higher Education.

6-7 June 2018
British Psychological Society academic event
The BPS Division of Academics, Researchers and Teachers in Psychology is holding a two day event in Birmingham.

Email sent to NTFs by Julie Hulme.

Day 1 is an early career academic workshop, and day two is a conference around learning and teaching in psychology. The  keynote at the conference is Prof Sally Brown who will talk about inspiring teaching.

Wednesday 13th June
University of Gloucestershire Festival of Learning 2018

You are invited to attend the University of Gloucestershire annual learning and teaching festival at Park Campus in June. You can register for the event using the following URL:

The theme for the conference is closing the feedback loop – and you can read more about the conference on their blog or follow on Twitter using the hashtag #GlosLearn18.

Event posted by David Webster.


Wednesday 31st January 2018
Professor Debbie Holley, Inaugural Lecture
University of Bournemouth
Visit the website to book your place:

Thursday 22nd February 2018
Between the discourse of ‘resilience’ and death by committee – Reclaiming collective spaces for academic resistance
A BSA Early Career Forum Event – University of Newcastle
Email sent to NTFs by David Webster.


10th MAY 2017
Teaching Excellence: Building Bridges ANTF Open Conference
Rosebowl Building, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds

The event will be held at Leeds Beckett University and led by NTFs. The event will be open to all and on the topic of “Teaching Excellence: Building Bridges”. It will be an opportunity to welcome aspirant NTfs and others into our community. Tea, coffee and registration opens at 9.30am, and at 10am there will be introductions by Leeds Beckett PVC Phil Cardew and ANTF chair Sally Brown.

Click here to view or download the full programme:

ANTF Programme 10 May (corrected twice) (Right click to download PDF)

Oxford Brookes University “Architecture Connects”
SEPTEMBER 6-9th 2017

Information from Jane Anderson:
Please find below a Call for Papers for a conference that we are organising here at Oxford Brookes University called “Architecture Connects”. Although the conference’s stimulus comes from developments in architectural education, the call is very outward-looking and is open to any discipline that shares an interest in forms of education, research and practice that collaborate with people, organisations and other disciplines in real-world contexts.
The Call includes Papers, Workshops, Case Studies and Films.
20 February 2017: Deadline for Paper abstracts and Workshop proposals.
3 July 2017: deadline for Case Study and Film submissions.
6-9 September 2017: “Architecture Connects, aae 2017 international peer reviewed conference” at Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK.

Enquiries to: aae2017 ‘ at’


RAISE17 – Perspectives on student engagement; looking forward…thinking back
6-8 September 2017, Manchester, UK
Deadline for submissions Feb 10th 2017

Invitation from the RAISE committee: contributions are now welcome for the the forthcoming Researching, Advancing & Inspiring Student Engagement (RAISE) Conference for 2017. Registration to attend is also now open. The committee welcome submissions from students (there is no cost to students attending/participating the conference apart from a refundable deposit). Due to an increase in presentations and attendees the conference will be a three day event in 2017 although you can register for one or two days.

The conference aims to offer a forum and platform showcasing practice and research about, student engagement (SE) and partnership. Staff in all roles, all students, and others interested in university and college higher education are welcome to contribute. We can accept a range of modes of submission.

Full details on conference,registration, themes and how to submit:


Liverpool John Moores University Annual Teaching and Learning Conference
Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 June 2017
Call for Submissions – Submission Deadline 10am6th Feb

Now in its sixteenth year, LJMU’s annual Teaching and Learning Conference provides an exciting forum to share and discuss innovative and effective academic practices and research.  On the theme of ‘Visions for Learning’, this year’s two-day event will showcase the work of staff and students across a range of higher education teaching and learning topics. These include the use of interactive teaching methods, learning technologies, inclusive practice and creative approaches to curriculum design.

The theme has been especially chosen to reflects sectoral challenges in supporting an increasingly diverse student body; ‘Visions for Learning’ also coincides with the launch of the new LJMU Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy (2017-22).

Organised by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education), Professor Peter Byers, with LJMU’s Teaching and Learning Academy, the Conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies at the Redmonds Building. It is open to all LJMU staff, students and collaborative partner institutions. Additionally we warmly invite all colleagues working in post-16 education to attend and to submit abstracts. There is no charge for attending the Conference.


Further details can be found here:


6th Annual PedRIO Conference

4th April 2017 Plymouth University
Closing date for abstracts Friday 10th February 2017.

“Do come and join us in Plymouth –  All Welcome”.  The PedRIO conference group have issued a CALL FOR PAPERS: 

From curriculum innovation to internationalisation, this conference aims to disseminate best practice and allow for knowledge exchange on important key themes, relevant to teaching and learning provision within the university sector. The themes for the conference are focused on six key areas and based on research from across and between disciplines:

Teaching Excellence
Supporting the Student Experience
Feedback and Feedforward in Assessment
Authentic Learning
Ideas and Opportunities
Employability in the Curriculum, and broader student experience

Visit the PedRIO website for further information:

APRIL 10 – 11th 2017 ANTF Symposia

See our events page.

A one-day symposium for NTFs only on the topic of “Teaching Excellence: Across the Educational Landscape” will be held on Tuesday April 11 at the University of Aston.

There will be an optional  three course dinner and overnight stay on the evening of Monday 10th April.  Prof. Helen Higson, Dept. Vice-Chancellor at Aston University, who is on the TEF panel, will speak at the dinner event. Look out for booking details as these will be separate events.

Day delegate rate (lunch and refreshments) = £80
Optional dinner = £35
Overnight accommodation bookable directly with Aston University around £90


FEBRUARY 16 – 18th 2017

International Federation of National Teaching Fellows (IFNTF) World Summit – the first ever event is to be held in Birmingham UK Thursday February 16 to Saturday February 18, 2017.

For further details download the PDF file circulated by Carol Evans on email –> IFNTF 2017 Event Details

You can visit the IFNTF website here:


MARCH 2016

13th Annual Open Education Conference
Richmond VA, 2-4 November, 2016
Submission deadline April 15th 2016.

Enhancing Student Learning Through Innovative Scholarship:
How Teaching Focused Academics are Driving Teaching Excellence
University College London, 28-29th June 2016.
Submission deadline April 22nd 2016.

Calls for ISSOTL conference in Los Angeles. 12-15th October 2016.
Submission deadline April 29th 2016.



Colin Bryson and colleagues are inviting submissions to their Researching, Advancing & Inspiring Student Engagement (RAISE) Conference for 2016. They particularly welcome submissions from students (students pay very low delegate fees and student presenters are eligible to apply for a bursary for support the costs).

RAISE 2016 – ‘Excellence’ in Student engagement
Dates: 8 – 9 September 2016
Location: Loughborough University


The conference aims to offer a forum and platform showcasing practice and research about, student engagement (SE). Staff in all roles, all students, and others interested in university and college higher education are welcome to contribute. We can accept a range of modes of submission (including remote participation and contribution – subject to practicality)

Full details on themes and how to submit:


“Deafness in the 21st century” MOOC

Dr Dr Wendy McCracken of the University of Manchester and colleagues are launching a MOOC on “Deafness in the 21st Century” to start on Monday 8th February. The course will run for six weeks and anyone with an interest in deafness for personal or professional reasons are invited to participate.

Go to Coursera to join up.





IOBTC 2016 Teaching Conference for Management Educators Call for Papers

July 89, 2016

University of Winchester, England, UK
Proposal Deadline: Extended to first week in Feb 2016

Conference Theme: Elevating Aspirations

The conference organisers welcome a wide variety of submissions around the following three themes:

  • Elevating aspirations in the classroom
  • Elevating aspirations in the wider student experience
  • Elevating aspirations for global citizenship

Please submit your proposal to :

(Memo from Dr Roz Sunley,


Please find information below about the 2016 Enhancing Student Learning Through Innovative Scholarship series meeting.

Enhancing Student Learning Through Innovative Scholarship:
How Teaching Focused Academics are Driving Teaching Excellence
28th and 29th June 2016, University College London,

With the impending arrival of the Teaching Excellence Framework much discussion is being undertaken  about how the TEF will measure teaching excellence, with many worried it will ignore the innovative work being done across the sector with a focus mainly reliant on metric measures such as the National Student Survey and HESA data. Important as these may be, focusing solely on metrics may ultimately cause much of the excellent, innovative teaching taking place at UK Universities to be overlooked.

In 2015 for example, the inaugural Enhancing Student Learning Through Innovative Scholarship took place at Durham University. This meeting designed by and run for those on teaching focused academic contracts showcased a vast range of innovative teaching and learning, taking place across over 30 UK HEIs and a number of international institutions. Teaching focused academics constitute around 25% of those teaching at UK Universities and their roles often include a component of scholarship focused specifically on teaching and learning enhancement, placing them in a unique position to truly define teaching excellence at UK HEIs.

At this second meeting in the Enhancing Student Learning Through Innovative Scholarship series, we will explore how the projects and programmes led by teaching focused academics are having a positive impact on the student experience across all disciplines at UK HEIs. Contributions are invited on the role of teaching focused academics in the following topics:

*         Driving the Evolution of Teaching at University

*         Supporting the Development of University-wide Learning and Teaching

*         Defining Scholarship and its role in the professional development of teaching focused staff

*         Developing Holistic Assessment Practice within departments; faculties; within and across Universities

Asides from invited keynotes (TBA), contributions may take the form of

*   Talks (20 mins)
*   Short Talks (5 mins)
*   Panel Discussions (1hr)

Further details for the conference, including submission of abstracts (open from now) and registration(open from mid February) are available at Call for papers closes 18th April 2016.

(Memo from Carol Evans).


There is a conference around the theme of learning, play and engagement being organised by Alex Moseley and colleagues:

Playful Learning takes place at Manchester Metropolitan University on July 13-15th 2016.

Playful in approach and outlook, yet underpinned by robust research and working practices, we’ll be providing a space where teachers, researchers and students can play, learn and think together. A space to meet other playful people and be inspired by talks, workshops, activities and events. Based in the heart of Manchester, we’ll also be exploring some of the city’s playful spaces with evening activities to continue the fun and conversations after the formal programme ends.

We’re keen to involve any NTF colleagues with an interest in this area, and would like to invite you to propose a session/workshop (the call is a little different to the usual forms). And, of course, whether you can present or simply join in, we’d love to see many of you there in July!

(Memo from Alex Moseley).



Group for Learning in Art and Design (GLAD) – CALL FOR PROPOSALS!

The GLAD group are calling for proposals to offer papers and or Workshop at the GLAD Conference 2016:

GLAD: Creative Pedagogies across Disciplines

Traditionally, the GLAD conference has offered an opportunity for the art, design and media community to share ideas and learn about innovative teaching and learning practices. With an increasing national debate on the meaning of excellence in teaching and learning and the introduction of the ‘Teaching Excellence Framework’ later this academic year, the 2016 GLAD conference will be looking out beyond the boundaries of art and design education in higher education. We will be inviting along new voices to enrich the debate and promote creative exchange.

JUNE/JULY 2015 NEWS – ANTF Workshops and RAISE Event

ANTF writing workshop! July 28th:  one day writing event was held on 28 July, from 10am -4.30pm, at the MacDonald Burlington Hotel in Birmingham. The ANTF one day Writing Event aims to support NTFs who wish to pursue publishing opportunities regarding their learning and teaching work. In particular this event aims to support and encourage NTFs who want to publish for the first time. It will provide valuable networking opportunities and it will hopefully develop great ideas regarding publishing themes and possibilities.

ANTF workshop for budding NTFs

The ANTF are offering a free one day workshop (11 – 4) on  Monday 13 July 2015 to support colleagues who wish to pursue NTF nomination. The event is sponsored by Ede and Ravenscroft  and will be held at the Macdonald Burlington hotel , Birmingham. 

RAISE 2015 “Inspiring Innovation”. Hosted this year at the Nottingham Conference Centre on 10th and 11th of September.RAISE has always been, and intends to remain, at the leading edge of student engagement (SE) in Higher Education. For our main theme in 2015 we want to showcase creative and innovative practices, policies, and ideas.Visit RAISE at:

MARCH 2015

EuroSoTL has accepted a CANTF session for presentation at the EuroSoTL 2015 conference in June in Cork. Carol, Laura and Kirsten will be co presenting the session that will consider the role of SoTL in NTF work. 


Details of the 10th Annual Association of National Teaching Fellows symposium. CLICK HERE.

Details of the SCUTREA Conference 2015 in Leeds. CLICK HERE.

Don’t forget OER15 is open for booking! CLICK HERE.

Details of the Association of Learning Technology Annual Conference 2015. CLICK HERE.

RAISE (Researching, Advancing & Inspiring Student Engagement) Conference. Dates: 10 – 11 September 2015
The conference aims to offer a forum and platform showcasing practice and research about student engagement. 


Oxford Brookes Workshop on HEA Fellowships for National Teaching Fellows (NTFs)
This workshop will examine how you can develop a successful claim for a Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow of the HEA.    The session will be led by NTFs one of whom is also an HEA assessor.



GLAD announcement! “Group for Learning in Art and Design” have a call for proposals for papers and workshops at the 2015 GLAD conference (27th February 2015, Sheffield Hallam University). The event is entitled: GLAD: Controversy and Conformity – 25 years of transforming the academy”. 


  1. 23rd October 2014 the future of higher education degree classification and accreditation. Guests included Professor Philippa Levy, Deputy Chief Executive (Academic), Higher Education Academy and Professor Sir Robert Burgess, Vice-Chancellor, University of Leicester. It follows the announcement of discussions being led by the HEA on exploring the use of an alternate system – Grade Point Average (GPA) pilot. Keep an eye out on the HEA and Westminster pages for further details.
    See: Westminster Forum Projects -The future of degree classification and accreditation

2) European Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Bridging Boundaries Through SoTL June 8-9 2015 University of Cork, Ireland Call for abstracts will be announced 10 November 2014. Look at the NAIRTL website for further announcements:

3) Colleagues have just returned from the ISSOTL14 Conference in Quebec – read more here:

New CATE winners 2020

Exploring Expertise in Teaching Symposium, online, Friday October 16th , led by Helen King, , UWE. Free admission but registers please via the Adv HE Connect site Expertise in Teaching

OU Future Learn microcredentials include Online Teaching: creating Courses for Adult Learning , recommended to us by Mark Fentonocreevy, OU