Collaborative Innovation Project

Launching the Collaborative Innovation Project Fund (2024-25)

Are you a National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) recipient with an idea (or more likely ‘ideas’) for a collaborative learning and teaching project? Perhaps you are already involved in collaborative project work that, with the right support, could be taken to the next level?

The ANTF launched Collaborative Innovation Projects (CiP) funding scheme in April 2023. The CiP scheme aims to bring together National Teaching Fellows from higher education institutions nationwide and to support projects that develop and enhance innovative teaching and learning initiatives aligned with ANTF WISER themes:

W – Wellbeing

I – Innovation and impact

S – Staff/students/stakeholders

E – Equity and ethics

R – Reward and recognition

Our goal is to promote and develop National Teaching Fellows’ scholarship of learning and learning (SoTL) through a variety of project work and associated outputs that also benefit the ANTF network and the entire higher education sector.

Even as an NTF it can be challenging to gain internal and/or external traction for innovative teaching and learning initiatives. The CiP scheme is intended as a vehicle for supporting excellence in the scholarship of learning and teaching with the 2024-25 CiP Scheme aiming to fund two projects, with a maximum bid per project of £2,500.

Prospective project work funded through the scheme might include, for example, knowledge exchange events, collaborative SoTL initiatives, evidence-gathering activities, and students-as-partner work – but colleagues are encouraged to get creative!

The Collaborative Innovation Project (CiP) Scheme offers funding for small groups of existing National Teaching Fellows – project groups will normally comprise of a minimum of 2 NTFs from different HEIs – to work together on projects that develop and/or enhance innovative learning and teaching initiatives aligned to one of the ANTF WISE themes. It is also possible that CiPs include collaborative work between a minimum of 2 National Teaching Fellows and 1 or more CATE recipients each from different Higher Education Institutions. Where appropriate to do so, it is encouraged that projects involve aspiring National Teaching Fellows from partner institutions as part of the wider project team.

Upon award, the scheme will run from September 2024 to July 2025, with colleagues leading funded projects expected to disseminate project outcomes at next year’s ANTF symposium.

You can read the blog posts detailing the three funded CiPs for the 2023-24 scheme below.

  1. Project title: “Piloting a survey to evaluate initiatives that enhance students’ Being, Belonging and Becoming”, led by Professor Harriet Dunbar-Morris (University of Buckingham)

For more information about the CiP Scheme visit:

Prospective CiPs are required to submit a completed proposal form:

(please download the form to enter your project details), outlining a clear project plan.

Completed CiP proposals should be submitted to

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