Hello National Teaching Fellows. I am Becky Huxley-Binns, and I am honoured to be Chair of the Committee of the Association of National Teaching Fellows (CANTF).
I was awarded my NTF in 2012, but did not go to my first Association of NTFs meetings until the 2016 Annual Symposium at Aston University. But then I was hooked, and went to an ANTF meeting at Leeds Beckett in May 2017 and then joined the Committee, first as Communications Officer, then Chair-elect and now Chair. I was at the Symposium in Manchester in 2018 and am looking forward to my period as Chair very much. I love the feeling of community which you find across the ANTF; we have shared goals, we have demonstrable impact on student outcomes and the student experience, it is sometimes breathtaking to see the showcasing of colleagues’ work and it is always refreshing and invigorating to network with like-minded colleagues and share good practice.
So, what does the committee do? We work closely with Advance HE receiving funding to support existing and aspiring NTFs through:
- The annual symposium (please HOLD THE DATE for the next annual symposium on 28-29 March 2019, ‘Making a Difference’ held at and kindly supported by Birmingham City University)
- Support workshops for the NTF and CATE schemes – AKA the ANTF ‘Roadshows’ (details for 2019 will be shared on this blog and by AHE in due course) and
- Others; for example, the hugely successful writing residential in September 2018, hosted by Sally Brown and Phil Race; and please HOLD ANOTHER DATE (details forthcoming soon) for a residential, “Writing for Publication” on 17-18 January 2019, at Cumberland Lodge.
We also have a plan for further our international reach and impact, to support the network of international NTFs, to collate international strategies and share good practice globally. We liaise with the International Federation of National Teaching Fellows.
We also communicate with the HE community; we have this blog series, we tweet regularly @NTF_Tweet (please do follow us) and we are investigating new ways of communicating the impact of NTFs across the sector and to reach new audiences.
So, who are the Committee?
Becky Huxley-Binns: Chair
Peter Draper (NTF 2013): Secretary
Chrissi Nerantzi (NTF 2015) and James Derounian (NTF 2007): joint Communications Officers
Momna Hejmadi (NTF 2015): Finance Officer with support from Caroline Coles for one year
Charles Buckley (NTF 2012): International Officer, seconded for one year, to be followed by Caroline Coles (NTF 2017) in 2019
Carol Evans (NTF 2014): Publications officer
Ruth Matheson (NTF 2012): Nations Officer
Sara Houston (NTF 2014): Events Officer
Sally Brown (NTF 2008): Deputy Events Officer and also providing support for the Chair
Mark O’Hara (NTF 2017): without portfolio, currently supporting the Events team.
I know that AdvanceHE, Sally Brown and I are very excited to be welcoming the 2018 NTF and CATE winners in Edinburgh on 7th November 2018.
Hold the date reminders:
- ‘Making a difference’ ANTF/Advance HE Annual Symposium, 28-29 March 2019, Birmingham City University
- ANTF/Advance HE “Writing for Publication” retreat, 17-18 January 2019, Cumberland Lodge.