The Response to the Green Paper: ‘Fulfilling our Potential – Teaching Excellence, Social Mobility and Student Choice’, on behalf of the UK Association of National Teaching Fellows
Sally Brown, CANTF chair and Pratap Rughani, CANTF Deputy chair
16th January 2016
Here is the response to the TEF Green Paper consultation submitted on behalf of members of the UK National Teaching Fellows community as represented by the Committee of the Association of National Teaching Fellows (CANTF). Over 150 NTFs contributed to this document through earlier TEF consultations and two ‘pop-up’ meetings. A number of people assisted Sally in collating, proof reading and supporting the writing of this document, including Pratap Rughani, Phil Race, Jenny Hill, Chris Wiley and Ruth Whittle.
To read the full response download this WORD document CANTF TEF Consultation Response 16Jan16 or PDF version CANTF TEF Consultation Response 16Jan16 PDF.