National Teaching Fellows

ANTF Response to the TEF Technical Consultation

The Association of National Teaching Fellows (ANTF), led by Sally Brown, has issued a response to the Teaching Excellence Framework ‘technical consultation’ as advertised on the BIS website. This consultation fleshes out some of the details for the TEF in year 2 on how it will assess and define teaching excellence (e.g. ANTF believe recognition of teacher training and awards such as UKPSF and/or NTF is missing); how metrics and evidence will be combined to form judgements about excellence, and how TEF outcomes will be communicated.

The response reflected feedback from over 100 members of the National Teaching Fellow Community, including those opposed to the TEF. The full response can be found here.

ANTF TEF Technical consultation 11July2016c (PDF file for download)

This follows on from previous work:

ANTF Response to the ‘TEF’ Green Paper




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